
Director, School of International Management, Eberly college of Business, IUP U.S.A.
IUP-India Program Director
Eberly College of Business and IT, IUP
Indiana, PA 15705, U.S.A.
Telephone: 724-357-4880
Fax: 724-357-5743

Dean’s Associate, Eberly College of Business and Information Technology
Professor, Department of Management
Ph.D., Rutgers University
M.B.A., Rutgers University
M.S., New Jersey Institute of Technology
B.E., Bangalore University

Dr. Bharadwaj has extensive experience in teaching undergraduate and graduate courses (including Executive MBA) mainly in the areas of operations management, supply chain management, quality management, and quantitative methods/management science. He has also taught courses in strategic management, applied business statistics, principles of management, entrepreneurship and small business management, organizational behavior, and learning organizations. He has developed several new courses and programs including online courses in operations management and a hybrid/blended executive MBA program.

His areas of research include production planning, inventory management, supply chain management, operations strategy, service quality, developmental entrepreneurship, and spirituality & learning in organizations. He has published nearly two dozen journal articles and presented over fifty conference papers. His research has been published in journals such as International J. of Production Research, International J. of Production Economics, Production Planning & Control, J. of Small Business Management, J. of Entrepreneurship Education, J. of Developmental Entrepreneurship, J. of Public-Private Partnerships, J. of Professional Services Marketing, J. of Global Business, Scientific J. of Administrative Development and others. He currently serves as the Editor/Associate Editor of four scholarly journals in the international management area–International J. of Commerce and Management, Competitiveness Review, Advances in Competitiveness Research, and Competition Forum. He had previously served as Associate Editor of J. of Global Competitiveness and J. of Small Business Strategy. He has been the academic program chairperson for the annual conferences of the American Society for Competitiveness (ASC) since 1999. He was the 2001 recipient of IUP’s Distinguished Research Award and the Best Applied Paper awards by the Small Business Institute in 2002 and 2004.

As an independent consultant and as part of the award-winning Small Business Institute at IUP, he has successfully directed and completed scores of consulting projects for major corporations as well as small businesses. He has been a recipient of grants worth nearly $1 million, pertaining to diverse topics such as lean manufacturing, assessing e-commerce infrastructure and usage, developing a learning organization and assisting individuals with business concepts to become self-employed entrepreneurs and small business owners.

As the Coordinator for AACSB Accreditation Maintenance at the Eberly College, he has leadership role in all AACSB-accreditation related initiatives including faculty scholarly productivity, Assurance of Learning (AoL), and the curriculum at both MBA and undergraduate levels. In his role as the College’s Dean’s Associate, his responsibilities include strategic planning, international partnerships, online/hybrid MBA program curriculum & content development, and the College’s corporate relations.

Dr. Bharadwaj has traveled to nearly forty countries in all major regions of the world and has taught short-term courses or presented papers in many of these countries. In addition to teaching at IUP and two other universities in the U.S., he has taught at universities in Asia and Europe. He was one of the twelve academic members selected from the U.S. for the AACSB/Keizai Koho Center Japan Study tour in 2003.

He is the architect and director of IUP’s unique MBA program in India, offered in partnership with the PES institutions since 2005.