Dr. David B. Yerger
Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University
M.S., Cornell University
B.S., Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Yerger has taught 14 different courses at the undergraduate and graduate level, including M.S. and M.B.A. courses in microeconomics, international trade, and international finance. He has published academic research on a variety of topics including linkages between inflation and productivity growth, the impact upon U.S. market structures from large exchange rate movements, and the evolution of manufacturing activity across U.S. states. Presently, his research is focused primarily upon U.S.-Canada economic integration and how rising U.S. economic linkages with non Canadian nations is altering the U.S.-Canada relationship.
Dr. Yerger recently completed a four-year term as editor of the Pennsylvania Economic Review and has served on the Editorial Boards of the Annual Editions Microeconomics and Macroeconomics texts. His other recent professional activities include Past President of the Pennsylvania Economic Association, grant reviewer for the National Science Foundation, and Expert Witness testimony in environmental litigation.